chin augmentation

Improve the Definition of the Neck and Jawline Through Chin Augmentation Procedure

A chin augmentation procedure for neck and jawline, also called a genioplasty, can enhance and improve the contours of the chin, jawline, and neck. It thereby improves overall facial appearance. The most common type of chin augmentation is done using chin implants. Another type of chin augmentation can be performed surgically, by moving or reshaping bones. In this article, we’ll talk a bit more about both types of chin augmentation or genioplasty.

Types of Genioplasty

There are two main types of chin augmentation, also called genioplasty:

  • Chin Implants: These are used to reshape, enlarge, or push forward the appearance of the chin. They can be accomplished either through surgery or injection. Inserting chin implants through surgical means involves implanting a plastic material into the chin and adhering it to the bone. Alloplastic implants, made up of synthetic material, are the most common types of implants. Non Surgical chin implants involve using needles to inject fillers, such as body fat to enhance the appearance of the chin, neck, and jawline.
  • Sliding Genioplasty: During this chin augmentation surgery, a surgeon uses a saw to cut the chin bone away from the rest of the jaw and then moves it to correct a chin deficiency. This is called an osseous genioplasty. It is recommended for people with severe retrogenia or for those who chin is too far back in relation to the rest of their face. This can also be used to correct chins that are too long or pushed too far forward.

Ideal candidates for a chin augmentation procedure are those whose facial features are fully developed and who are also unhappy with their facial profile and the appearance of their chin. Chin augmentation is not recommended for those with labial incompetence, severe microgenia, lip protrusion, severe malocclusion, shortened mandibular height, and periodontal disease.

More About Chin Implant Surgery

Chin implant surgery is typically an outpatient procedure, performed using general anaesthesia, or local anaesthesia with sedation. Your cosmetic surgeon will make a small incision, either underneath the chin or inside the mouth. Through this incision, your cosmetic surgeon will fit the chin implant around the chin bone.

Chin implant surgery usually takes less than an hour to perform. Following surgery, the incision is closed with sutures and the chin is bandaged. If you intend to combine chin augmentation with implants along with other procedures the surgery may take longer. As the shape of the chin is affected by the shape of the nose, chin augmentation with implants is often combined with a rhinoplasty.

Chin implants are small, solid devices, made from a biocompatible material such as silicone. This material has been moulded to fit around the patient’s chin bone. Chin implants differ in size and in contour. You need to consult with your cosmetic surgeon for the implant that is best for you, including one that will provide the most natural-looking result and the desired degree of enhancement.

When inserted, chin implants feel very similar to natural chin bone and when the procedure is performed by a skilful and adept cosmetic surgeon it is impossible to tell that the patient has had a chin augmentation done. Most patients who have had chin implant surgery, are back to work and most other daily activities within 7 days after surgery. Discomfort is minimal and can be managed using pain medication and cold compresses.

You need to follow your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions post-implantation surgery to ensure that you heal well and that your results look great as soon as possible. Results usually look close to final within one month of implantation surgery and are considered final about three months after surgery, when all residual swelling has subsided.

More About Sliding Genioplasty

This procedure takes place in a hospital or office operating room, mostly under general anaesthesia. Your cosmetic surgeon pulls down your lower lip and makes a cut on the gum of the lower lip below your bottom teeth. After this, the soft tissue is separated from the chin bone. Your surgeon will typically use a saw to cut a small vertical line in the chin for reference. This will ensure that your bone stays straight when it is moved backward or forward.

The doctor then makes a horizontal cut along the chin bone. If you want your chin to be moved backward or to be made smaller, your surgeon also cuts out a small wedge of bone. Then she slides the bone forward or backward and attaches screws and possibly a metal plate to make sure that your bone stays in place.

To make your chin longer, they reattach the bone with a gap between your chin and the rest of your jaw. The bone will grow back over time and this gap will close. To make your chin shorter, your cosmetic surgeon will remove the wedge of bone and will reattach your chin to the rest of your jaw.

 If you are having your chin moved forward, surgery may create a “step” in the bone. Your surgeon may shave some of the bone down to prevent this step from showing. After this, the incision is closed with stitches. Your doctor will put a compression tape on the outside of your chin and mouth to protect the area during early healing.

Following surgery, your surgeon will most probably ask you to take oral antibiotics for at least two days. With oral stitches being absorbable, you will not need to go back to the hospital to get them removed. You will be encouraged to eat normally once you are ready. Initially, a liquid or soft diet is recommended. You must rinse your mouth with an antiseptic oral rinse or water after every meal.

After three to five days, you can remove the dressing and compression tape and can return to your daily routine. You should not exercise for at least 10 days after surgery and should not participate in any contact sports for at least six to eight weeks. You may notice swelling, bruising, and redness, which will go away after a few days.

While both types of chin augmentation surgery are a relatively straightforward procedure, it has its risks, just like with any other cosmetic surgery procedure. It is, therefore, imperative that you find the right cosmetic surgeon for your chin augmentation procedure.

Dr. S. Suma, of, is one such cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgeon. She is based in Hyderabad, India, and is extremely skilful at performing a wide variety of cosmetic surgery procedures, including chin augmentation surgery.

She will work one-on-one with you to determine the type of chin augmentation procedure you need and whether it needs to be combined with any other cosmetic surgery procedure. She is extremely empathetic and will try to make you as comfortable as possible before, during, and after the chin augmentation procedure.

So, if you are thinking of going through a chin augmentation procedure in Hyderabad, you know where to go and whom to get in touch with…Dr. S. Suma!

To know more about the Chin Augmentation procedure, as well as the other cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures that Dr. S. Suma performs, you can get in touch with her at +91 86 86 042 042 or email her at or visit her website at

Get to the Prettiest Version of YOU. By the prettiest hands in Hyderabad

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