Breast Surgery

The right-sized breasts are something most women yearn for. Breast surgery is a form of surgical intervention that takes care of the shape, size, and health of your breasts. Your breasts could be impacted for several reasons. The most common forms of breast surgery are breast enlargement (also called breast augmentation), breast reduction, and breast lift.

For some women, breast surgery is a way to feel more self-confident, whereas in others, it is about rebuilding the breast after certain conditions, such as breast removal after a diagnosis of breast cancer.

Dr. S. Suma is an empathetic and skilled plastic, cosmetic, and reconstructive surgeon who will recommend the right breast surgery procedure for you. She understands that body image is a very powerful thing and that the shape and size of your breasts is something that needs to be perfect for you. She is a skilled communicator and will explain the breast surgery procedure that you need to undergo in great detail, keeping your personal medical history in mind. With Dr. S. Suma, you do not need to hesitate to talk about your breast problems. Being a woman herself she can listen, and relate to your problem and situation.

“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful than a woman being unapologetically herself…”

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