hair transplant

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical technique. It moves individual hair follicles from the back or side of the scalp to the bald or balding part of the scalp. It is typically used to treat male pattern baldness but can be used in both men and women. Hair transplant procedures can be used to replace hair that has been lost due to burns, injury, diseases of the scalp, genetic factors, and hormonal factors.

A hair transplant can be done in two major ways: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). In a FUT, a strip of skin containing hair follicles is removed from the back of the head. Groups of tissue containing hair follicles are removed and separated and then prepared for transplantation. After this, tiny holes are made in the recipient site where the patient is experiencing balding. The tissues containing follicles are then individually placed into the recipient site.

In an FUE, the process is similar in that it also transplants hair follicles from the donor site to the recipient site. The only difference is that FUE does not involve extracting a strip of skin from the back or side of the head. During an FUE, individual hair follicles are directly collected from the scalp and then inserted into small holes in the recipient site. There are several advantages and disadvantages of a hair transplant, which is the focus of this article…

Advantages of a hair transplant

A hair transplant has several advantages and some of them are:

·        Aesthetic change: A hair transplant causes a significant change in aesthetics. Not only does it give you a more youthful appearance, but it also increases your self-confidence.

·        Natural Hair Regrowth: If you have a natural-looking hairline, a hair transplant will work well for you. Since the surgery is done by transplanting hair follicles from the donor site to the recipient site, the texture and look of the donor’s hair perfectly match the existing hair.

·        Minimal Downtime: After a hair transplant you can go back to your daily activities relatively quickly. You only need to take bed rest for a few days and then you can go back to work and also resume your daily routine. However, it is important that you consult with your cosmetic surgeon before resuming your physical activities.

·        No specialized treatment necessary: After the hair transplant procedure the hair is completely yours and is also completely functional. After your recovery time has passed the transplanted hair does not require any specialized treatment. You will be able to cut, brush, style, and color the transplanted hair just as you would do your other hair. You will also be able to use any kind of shampoo, conditioner, or hair product on the transplanted hair. You can treat your transplanted hair just like the rest of the hair on your head for the rest of your life.

·        Pain-free and Scar-free: If your hair transplant has been done in the right way, you will typically not have any scar tissue on your scalp. You will also not have to go through a lot of pain as the surgery is performed under local anesthesia.

·        More economical in the long run: While a non-surgical approach to treating hair loss may seem economical, it adds up in the long run. So, if you are looking for a relatively maintenance-free hair loss treatment, should certainly think about opting for a hair transplant.

Disadvantages of a hair transplant

While its advantages are significant, a hair transplant also has certain disadvantages. Some of these hair transplant side effects are:

·  No guarantee: Sometimes, there could be certain side effects that could result if the procedure is not done correctly. In this case, you may suffer from conditions ranging from hair fall to a scalp infection.

Varying cost: The fee structure of a hair transplant depends on the total number of hair grafts or hair follicles that a person requires. This is why the cost of a hair transplant will vary from person to person. Also, a hair transplant can be expensive as compared to other hair loss treatments.

Surgical risk: You may suffer from several side effects like itching, numbness, pain, non-acceptance of foreign tissue, and so on. You should select your cosmetic surgeon very carefully.

One such skillful and adept cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgeon is Dr. S. Suma, of, based in Hyderabad, India. She is an expert in hair transplant procedures and will work closely with you right from the first consult till after your surgery.

She will understand what you are going through and will not only recommend the hair transplant procedure that is right for you, but will perform the procedure in the right way. She is also a skilled communicator and is extremely empathetic.

So, if you want to go through a hair transplant procedure, do get in touch with Dr. S. Suma and rest easy knowing that you are in very good hands!

To know more about hair transplant surgery, as well as the other cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures that Dr. S. Suma performs, you can get in touch with her at +91 86 86 042 042 or email her at or visit her website at

Get to the Prettiest Version of YOU. By the prettiest hands in Hyderabad.

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