cosmetic surgery

Are You a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Surgery

You may be considering cosmetic surgery. However, have you ever thought about whether you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery? There are certain factors that need to be considered before you opt for your cosmetic surgery procedure. This is imperative if your procedure is to be a success and if you are to reap the benefits of cosmetic surgery.

You may be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery if you are reasonably healthy, have the right kind of expectations from the procedure, and know the risks of the procedure that you are considering. You may not be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery if you have serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, a bleeding disorder, depression, or heart disease.

There are several other factors to keep in mind for knowing whether you are an ideal cosmetic surgery candidate before you opt for your procedure. Here are some of them…

  • There are parts of your body that you are not happy with: Sometimes, cosmetic surgery procedures are done at the request of someone other than the patient. So, make sure that you are opting for your cosmetic surgery procedure for you and for no one else. You may be dissatisfied with certain parts of your body. This could be your nose, your breasts, your butt, or any other body part. You may feel that you would look better if you could “fix” these. If you are thinking of getting cosmetic surgery done, you can rest easy knowing that you are not alone. The five most common cosmetic surgery procedures performed in 2017 were: breast augmentation and breast reduction; rhinoplasty (nose job); abdominoplasty (tummy tuck); various forms of liposuction, and vaginal rejuvenation.
  • Life is beginning to take its toll: Over the course of your life, you may have accumulated blemishes and flaws. These could be stretch marks from the increase in the size of your breasts during pregnancy. It could also be misshapen features due to accidents, or then some strange shape of your nose since birth. If you feel that you have too many of these, you may be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery.
  • You are aging rapidly: Some people age quicker than others. For example, wrinkle lines in your 30s can disappear with over-the-counter anti-aging products. However, once you hit your 40s and 50s, these do not work so well. This could be a time to consider cosmetic surgery.
  • You have tried all other options without any positive result: You can buy literally hundreds of products over-the-counter (OTC) to address aging, including a wide variety of anti-aging creams. However, you may not have been able to find one that gets rid of the wrinkles, droopy eyelids, or stretch marks that are driving you up the wall. If this is the case, you could be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery.
  • You do not mind scarring: While your skilled cosmetic surgeon may be able to hide post-surgery scars or camouflage them, scar-free surgery is a myth. If you are comfortable with some degree of scarring, you could be a good candidate for a cosmetic surgery procedure. However, before going in for the procedure, you should speak to your cosmetic surgeon to find out exactly what scars will be there, where they will be, and how big they will be. This is particularly important if you wear low-cut blouses, two-piece bathing suits, and so on. It is also important to know about scarring if your employment is based around your appearance, such as with models, actors, dancers, and so on.
  • You can afford the treatment: Your cosmetic surgery procedure could be expensive. Before opting for it, you should ensure that you have the money to afford the treatment. You may not only have to pay for the initial cosmetic surgery procedure, but may need additional procedures, all of which could make a dent in your budget. So, make sure that you are financially savvy before you opt for your cosmetic surgery. You should speak to your cosmetic surgeon about the costs involved. If you do have the money to spare, however, you could be a good candidate for your procedure.
  • You have recently lost a lot of weight: If you have recently lost a lot of weight and have sagging, unattractive skin, you could be a candidate for cosmetic surgery. This is particularly common around the face and abdomen. Given time, the sagging and stretching of the skin may improve, but in some people it may not. If you are one of them, you could opt for cosmetic surgery. You should discuss all your options with your cosmetic surgeon. 
  • You want immediate results that last: The results you get from your OTC products may not last long. After your cosmetic surgery procedure recovery period, you will see immediate results from your surgery that will last for years. However, after procedures like a face lift, you may need an additional procedure to augment the earlier procedure after 10 years or so. You need to talk to your cosmetic surgeon about how long your results will last post-surgery.
  • You have been involved in an accident: Many people want to opt for a cosmetic surgery procedure because an accident has left them with scars or some other disfigurement. Your cosmetic surgeon will be able to tell you if this is possible. You should bring in a photograph of yourself before the accident to show your surgeon to understand whether it is possible to return your face and body to what it was before the accident.
  • You have the time to recover from the procedure: After you have had your cosmetic surgery procedure, you need time to rest and recover. If you can give yourself this time, you could be a good candidate for cosmetic surgery. When that rest and recovery time has ended you could see immediate results. However, sometimes, you may need two to three weeks for a full recovery, depending on the type of procedure. Ensure that you discuss with your doctor as to how long the recovery period will be and what you can and cannot do during this period.

Dr. S. Suma, at, is one of the best and most skilled cosmetic surgeons in Hyderabad, India. She will work closely with you to determine whether you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery and what cosmetic surgery you need. She performs a wide variety of cosmetic surgery procedures.

She is not only a skilled surgeon, but is also a skilled and empathetic communicator. She will understand your apprehension and will answer all your questions patiently. She will not hurry you and will have a detailed consultation with you for as long and for as often as you like.

So, if you are considering a cosmetic surgery procedure and are not sure whether you are a good candidate for it, do consult Dr. S. Suma for the right advice and perspective and walk away well-satisfied with the result.

To know more about whether you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery, as well as to know about the other cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures that Dr. S. Suma performs, you can get in touch with her at +91 86 86 042 042 or email her at or visit her website at

Get to the Prettiest Version of YOU. By the prettiest hands in Hyderabad.

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