Face Lift

A facelift is also called a “rhytidectomy” and is a cosmetic surgery procedure that gives a more youthful appearance to your face. The procedure reduces the sagging or folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline. It also changes any facial changes that occur due to aging. It is often performed in tandem with a neck lift.
As you age, your facial skin begins to lose elasticity and your facial tissues lose volume. This results in “jowls” on the lower face, as well as deep wrinkles and loose skin on the face and neck. While this is a natural process of aging, a facelift can not only help turn the clock back, but it can give you an upsurge in self-confidence.
If you feel self-conscious about the way you look; if you hesitate to see your reflection because you look older than you feel, or then, if you feel that your aging appearance is negatively impacting your career or personal relationships, you are a possible candidate for a face lift.
A face lift is a complex cosmetic surgery procedure that requires extensive knowledge in facial anatomy, a very specific skill set of surgical techniques, and a highly-developed eye for aesthetic detail. This is why it is extremely important that you choose the right cosmetic surgeon.
Male patients who want to undergo a face lift should ensure that your cosmetic surgeon has experience performing face lifts for both men and women, as the former’s facial anatomy is different from the latter’s and requires a knowledgeable approach.
Dr. S. Suma is one such cosmetic surgeon. She comes with impeccable credentials as well as an empathetic attitude towards her patients. She excels at her craft and will work individually with you to determine whether you are a candidate for a face lift.

Before your Face Lift

As with any cosmetic surgery procedure, patient selection and evaluation are extremely important as part of the overall process. Your cosmetic surgeon will take your detailed case history and will record your chief complaint. She will also explain the procedure in detail, along with its risks and benefits.
Your surgeon will possibly advise you to discontinue certain medications and drugs, such as Vitamin E supplements, anti-inflammatory drugs, and aspirin-based drugs, as these may interfere with healing or lead to excessive bleeding. You should inform your cosmetic surgeon as to any drugs you may be taking to ensure that she decides which ones to continue and which to discontinue.
Smoking and alcohol can further delay healing and can also sometimes result in skin flap necrosis. The patient should discontinue smoking at least two months before surgery. You should consult with Dr. S. Suma well before you plan your face lift surgery. She will work with you to prepare you both physically and psychologically for the procedure.

During your Face Lift

There are different types of face lifts. Two of the most common are mini-facelifts and standard facelifts. A mini-facelift is typically performed for patients who have a mild degree of jowling and sagging skin. This is a less invasive technique in which your cosmetic surgeon will tighten deep facial tissues through shorter incisions along the hairline above each ear, or then, in the natural creases surrounding the ear.
Depending on the patient, a mini-facelift can be performed using local anesthesia with sedation or then using general anesthesia. You should consult with your cosmetic surgeon who will recommend the right option for you. A mini-facelift can help you address the impending signs of aging, thereby putting off the need for more invasive surgery for many years.
A standard facelift, also called a “traditional” facelift takes care of moderate to advanced aging around the mid-face and neck. While the surgery is more extensive than a mini-facelift, the results are more dramatic.
Your cosmetic surgeon makes incisions just behind the hairline and around the front of the ear. These incisions are hidden in the natural creases of your face and neck. Through these incisions, your surgeon will reposition the deeper tissues beneath the skin, as well as remove excess skin. This eliminates sagging and jowling under the skin and gives a more youthful appearance to your face and neck.
The exact facelift procedure will differ based on your specific facial anatomy and appearance. The procedure is typically carried out under general anesthesia, but can also be carried out under local anesthesia with sedation. You should also discuss your anesthesia options with your cosmetic surgeon.
After making the initial incisions, your surgeon will separate the skin from the underlying connective tissue and muscles. This allows your cosmetic surgeon to reposition the deeper facial tissues, get rid of the jowls, and create a firmer foundation for the skin. Excess skin is then removed and the remaining skin is gently laid back over the newly rejuvenated facial tissues. This gives the face a smoother, more youthful contour, without over-tightening the skin.
If you have any questions, concerns, or doubts regarding the actual procedure, you should consult with Dr. S. Suma, who will answer any and all of your questions regarding your facelift surgery. She is not only an expert cosmetic surgeon but also a caring and concerned health provider. She will work individually with you to prescribe the facelift treatment that is best for you.

Precautions and Procedures before and after your Face Lift

Besides discontinuing the necessary medication, as well as discontinuing smoking and alcohol, you should meet with Dr. S. Suma before your facelift surgery. She will inform you about the precautions and procedures you should follow before and after your facelift.
Face lift surgery is one of the most dramatic procedures of facial rejuvenation. The success rate of the surgery relies on the surgeon as well as the patient. It is imperative that patients follow all precautions recommended by their doctor. Prior to surgery, you should wash your face and hair.
After your facelift, you should be in complete bed rest for at least 24 hours. You will be wrapped in dressings that will not be removed until 24 hours later. Your head will be elevated for at least a week after surgery. You should also sleep in a supine position, with the back of your head on a pillow for at least two weeks post-surgery.
Your surgeon will prescribe medications to alleviate pain and will recommend that you avoid all strenuous activities not only the day of the surgery, but for at least a week after surgery as well. You should put ice packs over the surgical site.
Mild bleeding, swelling, and pain is normal post-surgery. You should avoid indulging in any activities that can raise blood pressure, such as exercise for at least 10 days post-surgery. You should be careful even while indulging in regular activities that can raise blood pressure, such as sneezing, bending, lifting, coughing, and so on.
Your cosmetic surgeon will prescribe the right medication for your pain and swelling. The latter will disappear gradually, after the third day. Your face will feel tight for a while and you may have difficulty smiling or laughing. You should also take in clear liquids after general anaesthesia or sedation. You should take supplements regularly and should also be well-hydrated. Drinking fluids regularly also prevents nausea and vomiting.

Face Lift Result

A facelift will give your face and neck a more youthful appearance. Your facelift will age naturally with you. However, there are certain things you should do to help maintain the best results after your facelift surgery. You should maintain a stable, healthy weight, as weight fluctuations can cause your skin to stretch out again.
You should also follow a consistent, quality skincare regimen to keep your skin healthy and youthful and to prevent unnecessary aging. At Prettyu, Dr. S. Suma will work closely with you to give you the best facelift result possible. She is an expert plastic, cosmetic, and reconstructive surgeon and understands the importance of the facelift procedure. She will treat you as a holistic individual and will prescribe the facelift procedure that is best for you!

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